Guide Right Chairman – Marquies Carter
Philly Kappas Kare President – Derrick Dow Sr.
Guide Right is a program for the educational and occupational guidance of youth, primarily inspirational and informational in character. Its reach extends to high schools and colleges alike. In the latter, giving due attention to the needs of undergraduate Brothers.
Guide Right History
Conceived in 1922 by Leon Wop Stewart, and suggested at the twelfth Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, Guide Right became the Fraternity’s National Service Program. Jesse Jerome Peters, later to become the eighth Grand Polemarch, was chairman of the committee, during the administration of W. Ellis Stewart as Grand Polemarch. Today, National Guide Right programs provide programming, role models, mentors, and financial assistance for at risk youth in communities throughout the country.
In order to serve young men between the ages of 5 and 25, the mission of the Guide Right Committee is to promote goals, aims, and objectives of the fraternity, in a manner that is consistent to and appropriate for our targeted audiences. To uphold the original charge of Guide Right, and to incorporate the necessary tools which will enable us to adapt to today’s changing landscape and environment.
The Philadelphia Alumni Chapter Guide Right Program is the Philly Kappas Kare/Achievement Academy.